
Mimi’s Open Heart Sculpture

I am thankful for the beautiful spaces of my home and my work that flow with people and the opportunity they offer to witness as we celebrate happy things, mourn our losses, commiserate on worldly matters, or laugh out loud over the perfect madness of life on Earth

I am thankful for a community that rallies when one of us needs something we can not do alone

I am thankful when cancer fails at its job to wreck a life

I am thankful for the change agents who make loud noises about things and wake others up to the fact that the old system no longer works and it is time find a better way

I am thankful to the Universe that has coaxed and cajoled and led and dragged me towards the next and the next and the next small and large adventure in my life

I am thankful to the ever growing circle of family and friends who have arrived at my door on the road of love and for my chance to welcome them in

I am thankful for the gifts of music and art and word crafting and food creation that keep my soul skipping like a kid to their wild playgrounds

I am thankful for this new day where there is another chance for hard hearts and closed tight minds to open and stay that way

I am thankful for the rich and funny, small and large conversations I have had with friends, loved ones and strangers that brought baskets of ideas and inexplicable joy

And I am thankful for my life and the thousand things that allow me to dream something that is not there now and the ability to make them happen

NaPoWriMo2020- Poem#7: Gravity


                                        NaPoWriMo2020 Poem 7 of 30



kisses inhale souls

one look and hearts catch fire

love’s strong gravity 






Poetry Day: Speechless

Rays of sunlight through trees revealing autumnal colours in Mark Ash Wood.



I do not ramble on

with clever words

when I am in the presence

of pure love.

Instead, I am rendered speechless;

lain out silently on the altar of forever

I am transformed to sunlight-

quiet, burning

urging things to grow

beautiful and wild

in my wake.